Sunday, February 8, 2015

Whirl-wind West Coast Trip

On my way home I have had the immense privilege of visiting some family on the west coast!  It has been nice spending a few days here, so I could begin to get over the jet leg, I'm getting there!  I have also been dealing with reverse culture shock upon arriving back in North America...what a different world!

Here are a few photos of the past couple days:
I enjoyed being in Canada again....

After going on a beautiful walk around white rock we went home (with a little stop in at the dutch store :))

Today they took me further into beautiful British Columbia....First stop Granville Island

After a great tour of Granville we went up to North Vancouver

And then we enjoyed a walk through God's spectacular creation in Stanley park

And now at the end of this trip my heart is overflowing.  The past few months have changed me in many, many ways. I can't believe how fast the time flew.  But I am now looking forward to seeing my wonderful family again! Ottawa bound bright and early tomorrow morning!!!!   God is so marvelous and faithful!

And Here's a quote from good ol' Tolkien: “Don't adventures ever have an end? I suppose not. Someone else always has to carry on on the story.”