"Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; but I tell you, not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these." ~Luke 12:27-28
This past week we visited the Cairns Botanical gardens, and I was blessed with the opportunity to see some spectacular flowers.
All the flowers were so vibrantly coloured! I could have spent hours just admiring their beauty. We came across a really huge tree on our walk...
We also had the opportunity to climb Mount Whitfield. We had a great view of the airport and the city of Cairns....
I love the beautiful weather (today it's 29oC) and scenery. And God is blessing me immensely!
This coming week (starting today) there is a missionary conference here at Tree Tops. Please pray for all who are participating, and also for all the kids (who I will help look after).
Incredible shots of the tropical flora!! Nice Camera hey? ;-)
ReplyDeleteThe plane really puts the view into perspective. All the best with looking after the kids...sounds like more than nieces and nephews.