Tuesday, December 23, 2014

A whole new world

I'm in PNG!!  What a whole new world it is over here!

Below are a few photo's of my time here so far...
Waiting to board our flight in Cairns...

                                           Ready to go!
I was sitting just across the isle from my adorable little cousin...

One of my very first views of PNG!
Portmoresby Airport...This place was really hot! We enjoyed all the fans, as there was no AC.

                                       I enjoyed spending some more time in cloud kingdom

After a day of travels we finally arrived in Lae!!

We received a warm welcome at the compound with these beautiful flower necklaces

My new little friend on the compound

While we were in Cairns these puppies were born...so the kids were very eager to meet these puppies as soon as we got here!

I have been enjoying caring for the runt

The day after we arrived I gave them this tree (all the way from Canada!)

                             It was really cool spending my first Sunday here! I really hope that I will be able to understand more of the language soon. I was very thankful for my new friend Jaquline, as she helped me translate alot of things! And I am looking forward to singing (in pidgen) with her, and some others for Christmas day!

                         It's such a different world here! I have been adjusting to the heat pretty well. I am very thankful that it does cool down a bit in the evenings though. When we first arrived here we had a water shortage, due to lack of rain...so we had to be conservative with or use of it. But a few days later we were blessed with rain (lots of it). I experienced the out door market place as well....it was pretty interesting, and everybody wanted to shake my hand (a customary thing here). Even just the trip into town was an experience in and of itself, due to the conditions of the road :p But I am getting use to that as well. And today when I went to the grocery store I was holding baby Ava, and many people wanted their picture taken with me and the baby.   It has been a pretty big eye-opener to see the way people live here, and getting use to their different culture.  I am really looking forward to spending some more time here! God is so good, always!

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